
Contour Magic: The Art and Science of Liposuction

Jonathan J. Redeker, MD

July 6, 2024

Why do I offer liposuction?

Millions of people who are committed to diet and regular exercise cannot achieve the shape they want. One solution may be liposuction, a widely proven and popular plastic surgery procedure. At REDEKER AESTHETICS you will gain confidence while achieving your body contouring goals.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that aims to sculpt and reshape the body by sucking out excess fat deposits. This technique proves to be particularly beneficial for people who have diligently dieted and exercised without achieving the desired results in certain areas. Because liposuction requires only small incisions, scarring is minimal, which contributes to a faster recovery compared to more invasive procedures such as a tummy tuck. The versatility of liposuction extends to different areas of the body, including the abdomen, arms, back, calves, chin, chest, hips, inner knees and thighs. Essentially, liposuction is used as a tool to shape and refine the contours of the body and can be used by both women and men.

Are you suitable for liposuction?

The decision to undergo liposuction should be determined entirely by individual needs and not by external constraints. Liposuction is not a weight loss method, but it can be very successful in removing excess fat deposits in certain areas. Ideal candidates for liposuction have a stable body weight, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly several times a week. Liposuction is also used in procedures such as breast reduction or the removal of male breast (gynecomastia surgery).sts After the procedure, the skin adapts to the newly modeled contours, resulting in a smooth appearance when the skin has good tone and elasticity. However, it is important to know that liposuction does not work against cellulite, skin irregularities or stretch marks and can even make them worse. You should generally be in good health and have no complicating medical conditions such as clotting disorders or a weakened immune system. If you are plagued by stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise, liposuction may be a suitable option for you.

What can you expect from a liposuction consultation?

The success and safety of liposuction depend on open communication during the consultation. I place great emphasis on understanding your specific needs and concerns and encourage you to be open about the areas of your body you would like to improve. This conversation will discuss the intricacies of liposuction techniques and outline their advantages and disadvantages. I thoroughly assess factors such as skin tone and body contour to choose surgical techniques that meet your expectations. You should be prepared to tell us your medical history, including medical conditions, allergies, previous treatments, surgeries and current medications. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have and address any concerns or fears you may have prior to the procedure. This comprehensive consultation ensures that, together with me, you achieve the desired result.

Liposuction techniques

I will always choose the most appropriate technique based on your individual needs and goals. My extensive experience with a variety of techniques, including ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL, also known as VASER®), vibration-assisted liposuction (PAL® MicroAire), water jet-assisted liposuction (WAL), laser-assisted liposuction (SmartLipo®), the Radiofrequency-assisted lipocoagulation (RFAL) and high-definition liposuction (HDL) ensure optimal treatment.

Classic tumescent liposuction

This is the basis for all techniques except the WAL method. A special saline solution mixed with an anesthetic and adrenaline is injected into the treatment area to minimize pain and bruising. The fat is then sucked out using various cannulas that are connected to a suction system.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction

With this technique, the first step is to break up and loosen the fatty tissue using ultrasound energy before the fat deposits are sucked out using regular liposuction cannulas. Often referred to as VASER® (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance), the ultrasonic waves specifically target the fat and liquefy it, making it easier to remove in addition to better skin retraction.


SmartLipo™ uses laser technology and is also known as “laser lipolysis.” The laser is inserted under the skin using a small guide wire to melt and remove fat cells. Often used in hard-to-reach areas, this technique can provide additional definition by pulling the skin back more. An additional benefit of the heat caused by the laser is that bruising is typically reduced, resulting in a shorter recovery time.

High definition liposuction

High-definition liposuction goes one step further by precisely modeling the treatment areas and highlighting the anatomical structures such as natural skin depressions and muscle edges. The procedure is often combined with energy-based devices such as BodyTite and fat grafting.

Vibration-assisted liposuction

Vibration-assisted liposuction (PAL® MicroAire) uses a motorized cannula that vibrates beneath the surface of the skin to help release fat cells and achieve better definition. It can also be used without suction to pre-expand the tissue before autologous fat transplantation.

Water jet assisted liposuction

Waterjet-assisted liposuction uses a jet of water containing anesthetic solution under gentle pressure to remove fat while suctioning out cells. This technique was developed for liposuction under local anesthesia because it allows continuous application of the anesthetic solution.

Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction

Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL, BodyTite™) is a minimally invasive method that uses thermal energy to tighten the skin and remove excess fat. The combination of radiofrequency waves and conventional liposuction helps dissolve fat, tighten skin and stimulate collagen production.

How is the operation performed?

The liposuction procedure is tailored to the extent and your needs, and you usually have the choice between general anesthesia and sedation. Depending on the amount of fat to be removed, the procedure can take place on an outpatient basis or in a clinic where an overnight stay is possible. Before the procedure, your skin will undergo thorough disinfection. The duration of liposuction can range from half an hour to remove fat under the chin to several hours, depending on the size of the areas to be treated and the amount of fat to be removed. Typically, small incisions are made and a 2 to 5 mm thick cannula is inserted, which is connected to a vacuum and sucks the fat from the areas to be treated. A compression garment is usually required after surgery to minimize postoperative swelling and increase comfort. After the procedure, you will spend a few hours in a recovery room.

Recovery and result

After liposuction, you should expect some swelling, bruising, and pain, which will gradually subside over the course of a few weeks. Early mobilization is recommended. You can usually return to work within 3 to 5 days, and occasionally after 1 to 2 weeks for major procedures. It is advisable not to do any strenuous exercise for 2 weeks. As the swelling subsides, you will notice that the treated areas are less bulky and more defined, with a significantly improved appearance within 4-6 weeks. Around 90 percent of the desired results are typically achieved within three months, but continued improvement can be observed for up to 6-12 months.


Lymphatic massage after surgery as well as a healthy diet and exercise are essential factors for optimal and long-lasting results! Would you like to get rid of stubborn, unwanted fat with liposuction? I would be happy to advise you on any questions or concerns. Book your consultation now!