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A smooth process and a good recovery are crucial for a satisfactory result. That’s why I have summarized the following instructions for you, which will give you a better understanding of the recovery phase after surgery and enable a smooth and optimal healing process:
Frühzeitige Mobilisierung
Early mobilization is an important measure for optimal recovery after surgery. It counteracts the physiological effects of surgery and limited mobility and significantly reduces the risk of rare complications such as deep vein thrombosis. The goal is to begin meaningful mobilization as early as possible after surgery.
You should move around in the hospital room or at home within a few hours of surgery and do light exercise, such as walking outside, in the days and weeks afterward.
Intra- and postoperative thrombosis prophylaxis is crucial for body lifts and major liposuction as well as combined procedures. There is an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) during such procedures, so measures such as intermittent pneumatic compression during surgery and daily antithrombotic injections after certain procedures are used to minimize this risk.
Vermeidung von Drainagen
Drains are often used to prevent complications such as seromas (collections of wound fluid), but they don’t address the underlying causes. If drains are not removed in a timely manner, they can even cause seromas due to tissue irritation. By using techniques that prevent seroma formation, I can usually avoid using drains. This approach not only improves your comfort, but also reduces the likelihood of extended hospital stays and the risk of drain-related infections.
Lymphatic massage after plastic surgery is a technique used to reduce fluid accumulation in the tissue. It promotes the contraction of the lymphatic vessels, improves the reabsorption of lymphatic fluid and reduces the pressure in the lymphatic vessels. In addition, lymphatic massage helps improve peripheral arterial circulation and systemic venous return. In combination with other measures such as exercise and compression therapy, it effectively helps to regulate fluid balance and thus supports the healing process after the procedure.
Pressotherapy is a modern method of lymphatic drainage that uses mechanically controlled massage. It is mainly used to treat lymphedema. In plastic surgery, pressotherapy is often used as a revitalizing treatment after liposuction.
Endermology has a similar effect to pressotherapy, in which the combination of suction and vibrating rollers improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in the skin. This technique is used to accelerate healing and is particularly popular in aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery.
The recovery process after plastic surgery is individual and depends on various factors such as the specific procedure, individual healing type and compliance with pre- and post-operative instructions. I will personally accompany you through the pre- and post-operative phases and ensure that you can resume your sporting activities when your body is ready.
In general, you will be able to perform more intense exercise again about two weeks after the procedure, although there may be restrictions depending on the region of the body and the type of exercise (heart rate over 100 and sweating). However, scars require six to eight weeks to achieve full stability, so pulling on the scar should be avoided during this time.
For major procedures such as liposuction, body lift and breast surgery, you should avoid any exercise that causes shock to the body for at least three months after the procedure. This helps ensure complete healing of the wound surfaces and minimizes the risk of ongoing swelling or displacement of breast implants.
Compression garments are useful after surgery to reduce swelling, minimize bruising, and improve healing comfort. This is achieved by applying constant pressure to the surgical site, which promotes blood circulation and therefore contributes to faster healing.
Scar massage is an effective method for promoting scar healing after surgery. Scar massage stimulates blood circulation and makes the scar tissue more supple. This helps to make the scar appear flatter and less noticeable.